Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Next Generation of Marketers: What Brands Speak

I am looking forward to participating in the IAMIA Fifth Digital Marketing Conference on 2nd July 2009 in New Delhi as a panelist in the "Next Generation of Marketers: What Brands Speak?" discussion. Ambareesh Murty, Country Manager of eBay India will be moderating the discussion amongst several of my industry marketing peers and we will be discussing the following:
  • What is and will be the preferred choice of marketers?
  • How are marketers leveraging the online social networks of existing customers to acquire new customers more efficiently and at scale?
  • What is required by the marketers for the make shift of ad spends to happen in digital medium?
  • What would be the successful measures that align the marketing and business objectives?
    How to Improve Search Marketing ROI during a Recession?

If you are a marketer, what are your thoughts on these topics? Hopefully I'll see you at the conference!


  1. Hi Virginia,
    I was in the audience and asked a question (on creativity in digital advertising); thanks for your answer.
    I felt the session was too short - I wanted to carry on the discussion on a little further.
    Frankly I was a little dissapointed with the metrics-driven agendas - there was hardly any discussion/s on how creativity engages consumers with the brand.
    I'm originally from 'offline', moved from Ogilvy to my current agency (IA) about two years back, and am trying to push the envelope with other industry-colleagues who believe there is more to digital advertising than metrics-drenched Excel sheets.
    Nonetheless, I see sweeping changes, especially in the last 6 months or so: I was a panelist at the same forum two years back, and when I spoke about brands there were many raised eyebrows; this time a lot of discussions attempted to understand brand behaviour online.
    Here's a question I would have asked you, if we had the luxury of time yesterday: Is it true IBMers are encouraged to get on Facebook and have conversations with clients?
    (Remember reading about this a year back, but couldn't dig it out, and I'm getting really late for my morning run:)
    Shubho / New Delhi

  2. Shubho, thanks for both your off and online questions and sorry I missed you at the end of the session! IBMers can represent their own views in any medium but those are clearly their own views, not the company's. Several of our technical experts have their own Facebook and Twitter profiles and blogs and provide insight and expertise on a variety of subjects and many clients read these entries and ask questions. However, it is made very clear that the IBM employee is providing their own views and not those of IBM (like I am here!) Personally I have a very vibrant Facebook account but I use it purely to manage my personal life but I do use Linkedin, Meetup and my Blog for more technology and marketing related topics. As IBMers we are encouraged to participate and give back to the communities - both on and offline - that we belong too.

  3. That's fantastic.
    I guess you know Lance Armstrong is on Twitter, in the middle of the Tour de France. And has 1.2 million fans whom he regularly updates - the Nike swoosh is subdued but very much there in the short videos/pics he posts, about one every day (in addition to the regular Twits).
    I think that's a great way of brand broadcasting on social media, though it's not ROI in the traditional sense. Would be nice to hear your view on this.
    Also - I hope I'm not throwing too many questions at you - how do you define 'personal'? I'm on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. a lot, and so are my clients - and hundreds of friends, some of whom I've never met. Things blur a bit, though I find it easy to stay off client- and agency-related issues. (I would be breaking social media rules by representing outside interests - and I don't do it offline either, it would be uncool to walk into a party and start talking about my agency or a client.)
    Nonetheless, personal and public are the same, for me.
    What's a good place to keep in touch with IBM new developments?

  4. Here is a link to an article covering our session. Thanks to AFAQ for capturing our thoughts on the topic!
